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Poza scriitoruluiAREPMF

Italia celebrează Ziua Națională a "Halatelor Albe"-20 feb 2021

Evenimentul este creat și organizat pentru a onora munca, angajamentul, profesionalismul și sacrificiul personalului medical, socio-sanitar, de asistență socială și al voluntarilor în timpul pandemiei în anul 2020.

A manifesto not to forget

On Saturday February the 20th will be celebrated the first National Day of the Healthcare, Socio-Sanitary, Social-Welfare and Volunteer Personnel established by Law 13 of November 2020 n. 155. It will be a day dedicated to honour the work, commitment, professionalism and sacrifice of the "white coats" during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

To initially launch the proposal to establish the national day were the director Ferzan Ozpetek and the musician Mogol who, in synergy with FNOMCeO (the National Federation of the Orders of Doctors and Dentists), have then started a petition and addressed an appeal to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and to the highest officers of the State.

On the occasion of February the 20th, the Lombardy Regional Federation wanted to create a graphic manifesto that aims to express the collective sentiment through the choice of an image with a strong communicative value and a sober claim that, without rhetoric, highlights the importance of the day. The image (attached) will be spread throughout the whole regional territory.

"Over the years, February the 20th will have to become a day of remembrance, especially for the new generations who will not have to forget what happened, what we have lived and we are experiencing in this period, especially the many, too many healthcare professionals who have lost their own lives to try to save that of others. - Gianluigi Spata, president of the Lombardy Regional Medical Federation, comments - We must keep alive the memory of the stories of hundreds of doctors, nurses and socio-health workers who have saved lives in an unprecedented pandemic emergency, who have worked with great dedication and have completely given themselves to others. But above all, it will have to be a thanksgiving day for all those who work in the medical health sector, in the hospitals, pharmacies and on the field. People who cannot and must not be forgotten once this emergency will be over”

Therefore, not to forget, on Saturday the 20th of February at 10:00 a.m., on the occasion of the first national day, a ceremony will be held at the head office of the National Federation of the Orders of Doctors and Dentists in Rome. At the same time, a similar ceremony (organized by FNOMCeO together with CPME, the Permanent Committee of European Doctors and the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Lodi) will be held at the Civic Hospital of Codogno, where on February the 20th of last year "patient 1" was identified.The two ceremonies will end with the inauguration of commemorative plaques in the presence of the Institutions.

The event in Rome, which includes a connection with Codogno and one with the President of CPME, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, will be streamed on the FNOMCeO Portal.

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